Andrei Neculai
Full Stack Developer
Bucharest, Romania
Backend Developer
Feb 2022 - Present @ Ateliere Creative Technologies
    Developed and maintained web application used for digital media supply chain and distribution.
    Backend built with NodeJs and run in Docker containers, part of Kubernetes cluster. API built with GraphQL and using Postgres as storage.
- Helped extending functionality for generating metadata files using Javascript template engine.
- Helped adding new functionality for trimming/stitching video files.
Full Stack Developer
April 2017 - Jan 2022 @ MoodMedia
    Developed and maintained web application used for managing digital signage content.
    Backend spanned across different versions of .NET, from .NET 4.6 to .NET Core 3.1 for different projects. Frontend was done using either AngularJs or React.
- Improved performance of multiple API endpoints by SQL query optimizations and code refactoring.
- Improved frontend performance for rendering lists/trees/grids with large amount of data.
- End of Q3 2018, I welcomed new dev colleagues, as the previous ones changed teams. For a few of months it was a challenge:
    - Solving incoming issues with minimal help.
    - Helping new colleagues with knowledge transfer.
Full Stack Developer
May 2015 - March 2017 @ Equilobe
    Developed and maintained web application used in Netherland for risk inventory.
    Backend built with .NET 4.5 along with NHibernate & SQL Queries for data access. Frontend used vanilla Javascript and in-house frameworks.
- Created questionnaire wizard with plain Javascript and prototypical inheritance.
- Helped migrating web framework from Castle Monorail to ASP.NET MVC.
.NET Developer
July 2013 - April 2014 @ SWIRO
    Helped developing an application for fiber management used in Switzerland.
    Application developed with WPF and Entity Framework Code First for data access.
Master Degree - Software Engineering
2014 - 2016 @ Bucharest University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
    Admission grade: 9.81 out of 10.
    Years grade: 9.06 out of 10.
    Graduation project was exploring how isomorphic javascript can be achieved.
Bachelor Degree - Computer Science
2011 - 2014 @ Bucharest University, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
    Admission grade: 8.33 out of 10.
    Years grade: 8.23 out of 10.
    Graduation project was a web app where multiple users could test their general knowledge against each other by doing a quiz in real time.
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript
  • Typescript
  • C#
  • SQL
  • AngularJs
  • React
  • NodeJs
  • Sequelize
  • .NET/.NET Core
  • Dapper
  • NancyFx
  • Git
  • Microsoft SQL Server
  • Postgres
  • Redis
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • AppVeyor
  • CircleCI
  • S3
  • MediaConvert